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Thanks for your support!

10/2/23, 4:00 PM

Thanks for coming to the driving range and swinging for a good cause. This is one more fun way we raise monies to support our youth.

For  many people, playing golf and going to the driving range is a part of  everyday life, however for our youth our annual fundraiser at Drive  Shack has become an opportunity for  them to have an amazing, experience while learning a few important  pointers about Golf etiquette. Shawn Hogan, a professional golfer, and  husband of Lynn, one of our board members, takes the time, each year to  teach our youth safety measures, basic golf skills,  and the importance of respecting themselves and others when playing the  game.  Although most have only been to a driving range, 15-20 youth of  all ages get a chance to have that experience, each year. During the  event attendees are invited to meet and interact  with youth and see the joy on their faces as they get a chance to learn  a little about what makes golf so special.

Although  we are glad our youth have this unique experience we know we couldn’t  have the success we’ve experienced over the years, without the ongoing  gifts, at events like this,  from community partners like you. Your support is priceless and your  participation and commitment to giving back in this way, gives our youth  hope for the future. The Rebecca’s Garden of Hope fundraiser started in  2019 and pays tribute to the late Pastor Harold  Storm who was an incredible example of a servant of God.  As a  passionate advocate for youth in underserved communities, he always  looked for ways to bridge the gap by offering youth access to different  types of support and resources to help them better navigate  the challenges of life. This tournament is a reminder of Pastor Storm’s  passion, kindness and compassion and his lifelong commitment to serving  the needs of children everywhere.

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